About Us
The Student Nurses Association (SNA) is a group of nursing students that meet to discuss nursing trends. It allows the students a sounding board for issues within the program, educates them about nursing issues that will affect them in their professions, and offers advice regarding job types and information about interviewing. We also help fundraise events such as Annual Charity Ball, 5k run/walk, Penny Wars, Gift of Life, and more. SNA strives to contribute to the surrounding community by giving back to area programs, such as Room at the Inn, Bay Cliff Health Camp, Beacon House, Lake Superior Life and Hospice, and J.J. Packs. These programs can sometimes be hit by fiscal budget cuts, and the money the students raise can allow the organization to help more people in the surrounding community. Meetings are currently held every other Monday night at 6:00 p.m. in room 1613/1615 The Science Building. If interested, please contact SNA@nmu.edu or our instagram page at NMU Student Nurses Association. We welcome all nursing and pre-nursing students. Semester dues are $5 and are collected before the end of the semester by the treasurer of SNA. You will be provided with a certificate if you are involved and meet all said requirements.